Thursday 16 September 2010


At a first glance, I believed that this man looked very poor as his clothes look dirty, old and too small for him. He also looks very lonely as people just pass by him as if he is invisible. He just stands there un-noticed. His body language shows that he is not bothered about his appearance and he is also smoking which shows he is not health conscious. The colour of his clothes are very dull which could reflect his personality. He looks like a beggar that is wearing all the clothes he has and is probably homeless. On the other hand, he looks very confident by the way he is standing and it almost looks like he is day dreaming.
This man is Doug Blimaier, he works at a Ralph Lauren shop in New York. The shoes he is wearing are very expensive as are the rest of his clothes. He believes they are very fashionable as they are patched and rolled up equally. His clothes fit well and shows his unique style. This shows how we view people based on first appearances and judge them for someone they are not.

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