Monday 28 February 2011

Distribution and Marketing..

  • Introduction
  • Logistics
  • 35mm-Digital (DSN Sites)
  • Release Dates/ Blanket Release
  • Marketing/ Advertising
  • Synergy
  • Merchandise/ Soundtracks
  • Viral
  • New Technologies
  • Festivals/ Awards
  • Opening Weekends/ Premiers
  • Quotes from Industry
  • Vertical and horizontal intergration

Distribution and Marketing Questions..

  1. How does a film make money? Film companies use Tax Shelters, Conglomerates and Government Grants to make the film itself but the film makes money by appealing to it's target audience and has a good review from people who have seen it as the companies usually rely on 'word of mouth' and viral marketing. Once they see it at the cinema they may want to buy the DVD or even merchandise that has been made to advertise the film further. Internet influences also help sell the film as they can create positive reviews which will encourage more people to go and see the film.  
  2. Where does the money come from? The profit comes from the companies selling merchandise, soundtracks, leaflets, posters, billboards, festivals, awards ceremonies and also tickets for premiers and cinemas which works the same as viral marketing as the 'word gets round'.
  3. Who decides to produce a film? The producer makes the final decision as to when the film is produced and organises the majority of the distribution and marketing. This happens after the pitch has been presented from the writer's first idea. The producer then develops this idea and adapts each scene. The cinematographer and director then puts their own input into the action of the film and they also have to decide on the distribution and marketing of the film. The planning is crucial as they have to set a budget and they have to make sure that it appeals to the target audience.
  4. Where does the money to make a film come from? The overall budget of the film comes from the companies who invest in that film. This happens when the idea is pitched and they decide whether they want to invest in their film and fund for the film. The companies also use Tax Shelters, Tax Schemes, Pre Sales, Government Grants and funding from the Conglomerates if they are an individual film company.
  5. What was the relationship between studios and cinemas in the 1930/40's? This was a very popular time period for the production of films. This is when the distribution and marketing was just starting and the production process was first being used. Between this time around 600 films were produced every year.
  6. How has that changed? when? This has changed because technologies have improved and updated and the production of films is a faster process. This studio system ended in 1959. 
  7. How do studios make money from videos and DVD sales? What rules govern DVD rentals? They make money from videos and DVD sales as it acts as a viral marketing technique and encourages viewers to go and watch the film. DVD rental stores pay a much higher price than normal stores so this money goes to the film companies. Any DVD that is rented must provide privacy, copyright laws and an age requirement.
  8. What ways does a studio have of making sure that a film is profitable? They make sure they plan the budget of the film before shooting it and deciding on how they are going to distribute it. Marketing is a huge impact and this is where they make most of their profit so having the appropriate amount of money is crucial. 
  9. What other ways does a studio have of making money? Studios can make money by having their films advertised on billboards, trailers, merchandise, TV adverts, Orange Wednesdays (synergy), competitions on the TV. leaflets, posters, emails, magazine reviews, social network influences, award ceremonies, controversy (moral panics), Youtube and even Bluetooth. These are all ways of advertising their films which encourages people to see them which makes them gain profit.